Writers and Artists Review: Help Is On Hand

In this Writers And Artists review, we are going to take a look at a website that focuses on providing all the help and guidance a writer may need.

Writers And Artists Review

After a fair amount of searching as I always like to be thorough in my investigations, I cannot find anything bad about this website and what it offers.

After the many reviews that I have written on getting your book or manuscript published it is very satisfying to actually find a website that genuinely wants to help you!

Taking a look at the Writers & Artists website there are clearly four key stages that any writer will go through.

These are:

1. Transforming into a writer

2. Developing your talent and growing your skill

3. Emerging and selling your stories

4. Promoting and publishing

What I am going to do is go over these in a little more detail and explain some of the finer points.

Stage 1

“How strong is your book idea?”

This is a very valid question and one which I can relate to myself. For a small fee, a service is provided that covers all the aspects of what you would expect from a professional review of your idea.

I believe this is important because it isn’t much use if it doesn’t appeal to a publisher or an agent. They simply won’t waste their money on backing something that isn’t any good.

There are many things that you can get assistance with here from your first draft through to more general advice. There is also a page that lists all of the services available and the price for each.

Stage 2

This is a midway review service that is there to make sure you are on the right track and everything is working together in harmony.

Stage 3

You have completed your book and you’re now looking at getting it published. The services available here are:

  • A full manuscript review
  • How to get published – It’s a one-day conference.
  • Manuscript submission which is held over three weeks

Stage 4

This stage is all about marketing your work and beating the rejections from agents. All options here are fee-based, but there is free advice given on every page provided in the left-hand column. There is also a free to join community that offers the following benefits:

  • Free advice for writers and artists
  • A facility to get answers to your questions from peers
  • Ability to share thoughts and ideas with other writers
  • Ability to connect with other writers and artists
  • Ability to write your own blog
  • See listings of services for writers and artists
  • Earn discounts for regular participation.

I am actually amazed at what is provided here and one thing I noticed while researching is that every site that I read recommends buying the Writers and Artists Yearbook.

This book can be purchased from the Writers & Artists website, or you can actually get a cheaper deal for it on Amazon.

I don’t think that you can go far wrong with Writers & Artists. Even if you don’t use the paid-for services, there is still immense value and assistance from both the website and the yearbook.

Neil – WFHW

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