Popular Work From Home Questions

Popular Work From Home Questions

I like to encourage my visitors to ask questions about the various work from home opportunities available, but I also know there are a number of questions that tend to get repeated over and over.

Below I have created a list of the most popular work from home questions that I get asked.

Please take the time to read this page before committing to any work from home opportunity.

Is it really possible to earn an income working from home?

Yes, it is. However, it’s important that you establish what you expect to earn and how much time you can commit before you explore all the opportunities available to you.

If you’re only interested in earning extra money each month to help cover a few bills, then it wouldn’t be worthwhile looking at opportunities that have the potential to earn a higher income.

This will save you a lot of time, effort, and money in the long run.

On the flip side, if you are looking to earn a full-time income working from home, be vigilant about the opportunities on offer.

A more costly opportunity doesn’t always mean that you will earn a lot of money. In some cases, it can even mean you will have additional costs to enhance the opportunity once you have signed up.

A good indication of more trusted opportunities is if they have a cheaper trial service or even a free trial.

This is known as ‘Freemium’ offer and it removes any risk by allowing you to test drive the opportunity.

Do I have to pay to start making money online?

Not necessarily. But this again depends on what you are trying to earn online.

If it’s just some extra cash to contribute towards household bills, for example, there are numerous ways to achieve that at no cost. A couple of examples of this can be found here and here.

However, the more you want to achieve in terms of earning potential, the greater the costs are likely to be.

One other factor that increases the cost of an opportunity is if it automates a process, or makes it a lot easier than it otherwise would be. This seems to be consistent across the entire make money online industry.

Do I need computer experience to work from home?

I would say that basic computer knowledge is usually required for almost all work from home opportunities. But as you might expect, more advanced opportunities usually require a greater understanding of using a computer.

Will I need to have my own website?

For low-income opportunities, no. For anything above that which involves promoting anything online (affiliate marketing, for example), a website is likely to be required.

It’s worth pointing out that building a website these days is not difficult when using programs such as WordPress. In fact, it’s a process that has been simplified over the years and is likely to be a lot easier than you might imagine.

Is it possible to only work part-time from home?

Absolutely! The beauty of working from home is that YOU get to pick where, when, and how you work.

How soon can I make money?

Unfortunately, that’s impossible to answer. This again comes down to the direction that you decide to head in, and the time that you can devote to working online from home.

A clearer idea of earning potential is usually indicated by any online opportunity. However, don’t always take that at face value, and don’t be afraid to ask probing questions before investing any money if you are unsure.

Can I make money online no matter
where I am in the world?

Generally speaking, yes, but some opportunities (sadly) do not allow customers from specific parts of the world.

For legitimate opportunities, any global restrictions will always be indicated prior to joining.

This is not always the case with poor quality or scam opportunities so if you are unsure, always ask before trying.

If you are not restricted by location, then working while traveling or away from home is definitely possible. All you need is a laptop or device and an internet connection.

I think I’ve been scammed, what should I do next?

The first thing that I suggest you do is to report it to me here and I will personally take a closer look. If I feel it is a scam I will add it for review here on my website. I will also offer some tips on how to recoup any losses if necessary.

The growth of this website is dependent on my visitors telling me when they have been ripped off (because I don’t have the resources to find EVERY scam), and in doing so I can pre-warn others who visit this website.

Secondly, take a look at my how to avoid work from home scams page to help prevent falling for the most common scam tactics ever again. By working together we can all become educated about the problem of online scams.

If you have any further questions then please feel free to leave them in the comments section below or by using my contact page to reach me directly.

Marcus – WFHW